domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Personality bound with a low Self- Esteem?

Nowadays the people give a the materials stuff a value the it doesn´t deserve, but the professionals in the psychology area said that this is more complicated the you really think because all this is bound with the dissatisfaction personality, bound with a low self-esteem, an a big distrust with himself. However the people are looking the real happiness and when it looked that, they are confused for the society because the society is a big influence and created a vision the you have to buy in unnecessarily way for have happiness.

The principal objective to the “paid programming” is convince at the human that you really need to buy things that you don´t want to buy, and this type of public is is in all the place the you visit, in the TV, in the street, in the supermarket in all the places that you go because they have to convince you and no matter the way they just prepared for convince to buy unnecessarily things. All this is bound with the actually situation that live in the house, because the situation of today  is when mom and dad have to work and they need to paid to someone for the care of the sons, this implicated that a time of share is a few and the fathers looked a way to replace this love with the materials stuff and don´t think that the only that they do it is created a humans with a consumer feeling  .

According to an actually studies in Europe the consumers are increase because for the teenagers go to the mall and but whatever that they want is something common, and they feel so good when buy something that don´t needed because all is for a whismsical mind and dissatisfaccion personality said Jesús de La Gándara, in charge of the Psychology Unit in Hospital General Yagüe de Burgos.

Albert Einstein

My inspiration for the success is Albert Einstein, caused he had a lot of problems when he was a child, but he never give up.
If you know Einstein had a learning disabilities and he can talk around 3 years ago, that no common. When he went to school, he had difficulty with the writing and the mats, he was a quit person, patient, and when he was a child doesn’t like the other children and always wanted to stay alone.

When he was 15 years old, one of his teachers tell him that “he doesn’t can to get something in the life” when Einstein ask why? The teacher´s answers because only your present offending me. Your aunt Jacob Einstein was a big example for him. When he was in the college he decided to leave, and he can get the bachelor we he was 16 years old. He can go to the university and turn in a big famous scientist.

For me I Think that Einstein was a big person , not for all the he can do, I think that it just for all the he can get and never give up. He doesn’t get important about the people thinking, or saying, and was so difficult for him but always can get all the he proposed. Besides in the university he also faling in love and he was married with a girl but him parents are always disagree for the relationship. However he doesn´t import because he loves that girl.

I considered that you always can get all the things that your proposed because when you are stronger nothing can destroy you, for my he is a big person, and a big example of a success.

Social networks

The social networks came to change the habits of the population. In 2006-2007 it was created a “sign” in Hi-5 and in this time  it was the most popular social network that you could have.
Nowadays Facebook could be the most popular, you can post everything that you do, everything that you eat, and where you are and also can post a lot of photographs and music videos, some jokes and you can put everything that you want. Besides you can make a lot of virtual friends and receive a lot of likes but you have to be careful because some moments it can be an addictive and something dangerous for you, for your friends and for your family.

Why something dangerous? Because you can only see the photography of your “friends”  but if you accepted a person and you really don´t know nothing about this person, you don´t know who is she or he and you can be a victim, you can suffer like an abuse and depending of that, you can be a victim of a crime because you post photos of your social area, your family, car,  house and everybody knows where you live and this could make everything easier for a person that what to do a crime or something dangerous.

In other cases the networks can be addictive for some people, they need these social networks in every moment and have to post everything that they do because they see the “likes” like the “accept” and it begins like something funny but it can have a lot of several social and physical problems. But the social networks are not always negative, they also have a lot of positive things for example you can contact people that live in other countries, you can see their photos and talk to them, besides you can watch the news about your country and other countries.

Obesity in C.R

Our country is no exception and are victims of this type of disease; according with a report by the National Nutrition Survey in 2008 and 2009, 21.4% of children aged 5 to 12 years are overweight or obese; which means increased 6.5% according to the survey conducted in 1996, together researchers from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) noted that the Costa Rican children have one of the highest obesities throughout Latin America. This is an extremely disturbing and alarming level which we must take into account and be aware of it; because it is a very high number of affected population to just an underdeveloped country.

When we refer to end childhood obesity we must consider many aspects that arise which are highly influential as family factor since due to high labor competition because mother and father have to go to work and seek support for their households; This leads to the habit of buying fast food shops or products with a high percentage of sugars, calories and very little nutritional percentage. (NI, Nutrintegra- Nutrition for the whole family, 2012) likewise has lost the habit of sharing family dinner or lunch; by the fact that large routines do not have much free time allowed, to share a healthy family table as it did years ago. Another highlight are the habits instilled in children, which is co-related to the family and to remember that the values ​​are inculcated in the house and that is why both the behavior of parents are very repetitive in children; this implies the fact q if the father used to eating foods high in fat child will have a higher chance of making the same as a repetitive behavior; this is due to a pattern of behavior and education.

The daily life of children is invaluable in obese children; since the same every day perform less physical activity, thanks to the great importance has been given to technology; that with leads the daily energy expenditure is very little putting these as a vulnerable community and which over the years has changed all going to play out means bringing the cell into the yard, playing in turn means the computer and search for Internet gambling factors that benefit weight gain in children under 12 years. (Vega, 2013) however we can not forget the school curriculum; it was not until 2012 that took a little consideration and banned the sale of chips, soda and candy, to implement the sale of healthy products such as fruits, snacks without trans fats, fiber-based crackers, oatmeal and nothing in excess 60 calories; searching and lower the high percentage of obesity. (Villegas, 2012).

All the general population has a great social influence of the media advertisers are responsible for sponsoring such foods as healthy and safe a daily habit, which can be done without caution of all physical, social damages psychological factors that can lead to short, medium or long; However we must remember that this is an area charge only sell and economic gain.
Children are victims of obesity, which leads to poor self-esteem, sadness, depression, they feel rejected by society because they can not enter the pattern that has now created society.

N.I. (26 de Diciembre de 2012). Nutrintegra- Nutricion para toda la familia . Obtenido de Nutrintegra- Nutricion para toda la familia :
Vega, C. R. (8 de Septiembre de 2013). El Financiero. Obtenido de El Financiero:
Villegas, J. (12 de Enero de 2012). Periodico- La Nacion. Obtenido de Periodico- La Nacion:


Obesity is known as the presence of a high percentage of fat greater than 30% of body mass index (BMI); this is due to an imbalance between calories consumed and the amount of energy expended. However we must remember that the body needs a certain amount of body fat to keep in good condition as the same shall be responsible for regulating the temperature, provide energy, insulate organs and produce hormones mainly in women. (N.I, 2014)
Among the principal etiological factors that cause this type of disease are: genetic, metabolic, endocrine, environmental, nutritive, physical due to that there are some studies that have determined the genetic relationship with weight gain; Likewise they have linked a small percentage of obese patients with diseases such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome and poliquisteros ovaries. (G. 1997)

It is important to note that obesity is a serious problem today and is increasing day by day as people not aware of the harm that the same can generally in the body; among the most significant diseases are:

cardiovascular disease: the main consequence is called plaque; This is known as the accumulation of cholesterol in the wall of an artery, these arteries are responsible for transport oxygen and nutrients to the heart. (Scientific, 2013)

Hypertension: blood vessel disorder, are responsible for carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body. (NI, mundical Health Organization WHO, 2013)

Diabetes: chronic disease presented because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not use insulin produced. (WHO, 2014)

Asthma: chronic disorder that occurs by inflammation of the airways. (Gomez, 2011)
Recent studies point to the high percentage of people with serious obesity; including children, adolescents, adults and seniors obesity has a disease that has increased dramatically; between main and most recent data according to the World Health Organization (WHO) we can conclude that in 2014 approx. 1.9 billion adults aged 18 or older had been diagnosed with overweight and more than 600 were obese; this means that in 2014 39% of adults 18 or older were overweight and 13% were obese, also in 2013 more than 42 million children under five had overweight. (WHO, World Health Organization, 2015).

According to data from a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 50% of the population of the countries that are members of the same is classified as obese; the ranking of the ten countries with the highest obesity rate is as follows:
  1.   Chile (59.7%)
  2.  Canada (60%)
  3.  Iceland (60.2%
  4.  Ireland (61%).
  5. United Kingdom (61.4%)
  6. Australia (61.4%)
  7. New Zealand (62.6%)
  8. United States (68%)
  9.  Mexico (69.5%)
  10. Greece (58.4%)


Cientifico, D. L. (10 de Abrir de 2013). Pregunta al Medico . Obtenido de Pregunta al Medico:

G., D. M. (1997). Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Chile- Departamento de Nutricion, Diabetes y Metabolismo. Obtenido de Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Chile- Departamento de Nutricion, Diabetes y Metabolismo:

OMS. (Noviembre de 2014). Organizacion Mundial de la salud . Obtenido de Organizacion Mundial de la salud:


Here in C.R we have the opportunity of traveling to many Volcaos but the nearest to go in Alajuela, located about 2 hours from San Jose.

The Poas Volcano is located in the Central Range of Mountains, it has an altitude of 2708 meters has an essential beauty, with a great natural habitat with abundant flora and fauna. This place has different types of vegetation, and a large floral biodiversity where you can see orchids, ferns, mosses. 

This area receives a lot of tourists, because here you can make different walks are held at all hours of day and night guided by a knowledgeable guides, this volcano is achieved energy is extracted.
This place also has a gazebo where you can clearly see the crater of Poas Volcano and their respective fumaroles, the volcano today produces lots of gas, making it more attractive to all visitors of the world. Among some animals that can be seen some are bats and toucans.

Poas Volcano is a powerful symbol of the geothermal forces that formed Costa Rica. It is considered by many to be one of the most breathtaking sites in the entire country. The Poas Volcano sits high above 14.000 acies of various habitats and life zones that make up Poas Volcano.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Oil Spills

There are various types of pollution produced by man; light pollution, noise pollution, radioactive contamination but one of the most damaging pollution is pollution caused by the oil spill. This is a problem currently presented by irresponsible human being because managers have not continually properly maintain a the boats, their generating machinery is greater the likelihood of an oil spill and this exposed sea life the health of various marine species and their natural habitat.

The animals are significantly affected when an oil spill is generated as their natural environment deteriorates, the temperature decreases or increases, and for that food products are contaminated, and in individual cases can adhere to their skin leaving them unable to move and they die at the right time. These spills are caused in different parts of the world but environmental damage depends on various factors such as the amount of oil spilled, the type of oil (oil-refining), where it causes as this spill could stay longer in places with rocks and is much harder to remove and completely.
Resultado de imagen de derrames de petroleo 

The damage not only occurs with the spill but also with cleaning to be done because they must use some type of specialty chemicals, however, "Arden Warner" physicist Fermi National Laboratory in Chicago has created a new alternative to reduce the damage , as this process uses no chemicals, it is a technique that is still under development but the aim is to use a magnetizable material and using a magnetic field so that the particles of oil remains in one direction and easier to handle, worth mentioning that if it is possible to use this type of technique can also be used for cleaning also wildlife affected by oil. (N.I, 2014)  


N.I. (11 de AGOSTO de 2014). ATAKA CIENCIA Una novedosa manera de limpiar derrames de petróleo sin emplear productos químicos. Obtenido de ATAKA CIENCIA Una novedosa manera de limpiar derrames de petróleo sin emplear productos químicos:

DISEASES Caused by Pollution

Today pollution is a problem that affects the whole population in general; humans are not aware of the harm caused by having highly polluting habits because it uses chemicals, not constantly recycled and is not aware that the resources are limited. This situation affect the environment and affect humans and animals because it alters their natural habitat, which can cause the death of many species and in more severe cases the extinction of these.
However as mentioned; earlier pollution not only damages the natural habitat of animals; it is also the main cause of many diseases for man. Allergies, respiratory diseases such as rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis are generated by the severe environmental damage we cause ourselves.

According to the "National Institute of Environmental Health Science" one in five people suffer from an allergy caused by dust, detergents, chemical or other pollutant. (Science, 2013) The main symptoms is itchy eyes, runny nose, loss of air, dermatitis can not be excluded but if those affected suffer from ailments such as asthma since childhood, which is why it may have blisters, one irritated, itchy red with great skin, these should be treated with a  health specialist and require specific treatment as they may present more severe and long-term concern stages.
Other pathology that can cause produced is abnormalities its can occur when a woman is pregnant and exposed to some type of chemical, creating problems of fetal malformation, in their internal and external parties of the body.

And we must not forget skin cancer, and thanks to the pollution that we ourselves have created every day has damaged the ozone layer which allows the sun's rays do not fall so deeply to Earth, because by the great deterioration caused by man's UV rays currently fall much more aggressively exposing and making us more vulnerable of developing skin cancer which spreads rapidly by the body producing the worst death. It is important that humans know as to change this dangerous situation that affects not just the environment, and animals but even worse as it is damaging to himself.

Science, N. N. (1 de JULY de 2013). NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Science. Obtenido de NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Science:

Global Warning

According to Luz Guerrero the term global warming is refers when there is a constant growth temperature of the earth's surface, which generates changes in the environment bringing negative consequences for all stocks in general.  (Guerrero)

Global warming is an condition that humans produced slowly and today affects us in all aspects; because if there is a significant change in atmospheric temperatures; immediately causes an alteration in the environment affecting flora and fauna, and cause imbalance in gray areas and thanks to this caused a massive melting of glaciers and in others places produce extreme drought.

The heating is produced by rising gases in the atmosphere, the main augmented gases carbon dioxide, tropospheric ozone is found, and water vapor, which have increased their share by creating new commercial industries which desconsiderablemente emit gases (Eco, 2010)  the power plants and the increase of vehicles on the road this creates more of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases creating a thick layer of pollution. (Verde, 2008)


Eco, C. (2010). QUE ES EL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL . Conciencia Eco Revistia digital sobre cultura ecologica.

Guerrero, L. (s.f.). About en Español - Que es el calentamiento Global . Obtenido de About en Español - Que es el calentamiento Global :

Verde, L. O. (3 de Marzo de 2008). La Onda Verde . Obtenido de La Onda Verde :

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

Job interview

What to do:

  • Dress smartly, look bright and attentive, and speak clearly and confidently. Don't forget that in the first few minutes only 7% of the interviewer's opinion of you is formed by what you say - the rest is judged on how you look, act and sound.
  • Find out where the venue is beforehand, how to get there and how long it takes
  • Get your outfit ready the night before
  • Find out what kind of interview it will be so you can prepare
  • examine the person specification and your CV/application form, and think about what type of questions they will ask you
  • prepare answers for the main questions - for example, why do you want the job, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what are the main tasks in this job?
  • make about three or four points in each answer
  • quote real examples of when you've used certain skills - just saying you've got a skill isn't enough
  • take your time when answering the questions: make sure you understand the question and take your time if you need to think
  • sell yourself: no one else is going to! Be positive about yourself and your experiences
  • prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview - use it as an opportunity to find out more about the role and the company. (Don't ask about money or perks just yet!)
  • when discussing salary, know your market worth and start by quoting a little higher than this
  • get feedback on your performance, whether you were successful or not
  • turn off your mobile phone: treat the interviewers with respect and give them your undivided attention
  • keep your answers focused on what you can do for the employer, not what they can do for you

What not to do:

  • don't be late
  • don't swear or use slang words
  • don't slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested
  • don't smoke
  • don't lie: the interviewer may see through you. Even if you get the job, your employer can dismiss you if they find out that you have not been honest
  • don't let your nerves show too much; a few nerves are normal but extreme nerves will affect your performance. Use breathing techniques and try to remember that it's not a life and death situation - there are plenty of jobs out there!
  • don't be arrogant and assume you've got the job. Nothing turns off employers more than someone who is disrespectful and over-confident
  • don't discuss controversial topics such as religion, politics and gender relations
  • don't criticise former employers or colleagues. Interviewers may mark you down as a troublemaker and a gossip.

Geniuses Children

These children have a higher intelligence, have great creativity and curiosity for learning, which is why they have different needs and requirements from other children, is important to recognize certain type of behaviors and reactions that these children have, for example these children learn to read in a short time, maintain a conversation between them 18 to 24 months, learn the alphabet and count to 10 or more, great creativity, like to socialize with older kids, totally independent and introverted .

When parents determined to have a child with this profile, they must make important decisions since according to Linda Kreger Silverman, specialist from the US Department of Education, parents have a fundamental role in the development of these children because they are the ones responsible for the child they have to inform the school and ask for case evaluation. Experts recommend noticing this profile between 3-8 years, since such children are extremely vulnerable to social problems affecting their personality.

Parents are in charge to stimulate these children, holding talks interesting for them, pay attention to numbers, arts or skills that develop, encourage them to not get bored and give an area where to be able to read, study quietly, because that most of these children lose their high IQ because of misdiagnosis and lack of stimulation.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Social networks

The social networks came to change the habits of the population. In 2006-2007 it was created a “sign” in Hi-5 and in this time it was the most popular social network that you could have.

Nowadays Facebook could be the most popular, you can post everything that you do, everything that you eat, and where you are and also can post a lot of photographs and music videos, some jokes and you can put everything that you want. Besides you can make a lot of virtual friends and receive a lot of likes but you have to be careful because some moments it can be an addictive and something dangerous for you, for your friends and for your family.

Why something dangerous? Because you can only see the photography of your “friends”  but if you accepted a person and you really don´t know nothing about this person, you don´t know who is she or he and you can be a victim, you can suffer like an abuse and depending of that, you can be a victim of a crime because you post photos of your social area, your family, car,  house and everybody knows where you live and this could make everything easier for a person that what to do a crime or something dangerous.

In other cases the networks can be addictive for some people, they need these social networks in every moment and have to post everything that they do because they see the “likes” like the “accept” and it begins like something funny but it can have a lot of several social and physical problems. But the social networks are not always negative, they also have a lot of positive things for example you can contact people that live in other countries, you can see their photos and talk to them, besides you can watch the news about your country and other countries.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

La Piedra de Aserrí

This happen in a Little town named Aserri, this town was rule by a one handsome man and had a many girls that followed him, but one witch named Zarate was falling in love with him, she was a plump woman, she wasn’t beautifull, and had a big black eyes. She had a mysterious gaze, and when she talked she raised her eyebrow, always combed her hair with a braid.

Zárate used to cured some type of diseases, and in some cases that she couldn´t do anything she give a gift a to the people some fruits like grapefruit, oranges and when they come back to their house this fruits were transformed in gold coins and gemstones.

One day the proud man contempt she, but she swear revenge, and some days after the house where he lived turned into stone, the people that lived with he were converted animals, and the governor in a bautiful peacock. One afternoon Diogenes Olmedo went to visit a the witch Zarate, because he wanted to be lucky, he walked around 6 hours, he was tired and decided to a break in a stone, he was frustrated because he couldn’t talk with Zarate, but he fell asleep, suddenly he saw some white pigeons, and that said to him “if you want to talk with Zarate hits 3 times the stone and say this”
Busco en vano mi ideal
años caminando y siempre en pie,
linda Zárate escucha y ábreme
por el amor del pavo real
inmedialy the pigeons left and it fall out white rose petal. When he woke up, he hits 3 time the stone and Zarate appered, with tabaco in one han, and with a peacock in the other. And she said: tell me good men what do you want? I can please you? Diogenes come near to her, and told his sad history, his widowhood, his angry and sick children.
 The witch Zarate asked him when his wife died? And he said: No she is not dead; she disappear one day when she was in the river of the mountain. We never know more about her and her friends, they disappeared in a mysterious way, her named was Lupita Olmedo. 
In that moment Zarate raised her eyebown, and said: just because you beg in the named of my peacock I give you all that you need, but you have to walk more than hour and go up to the mountain, when he can arrive to the mountain he look a lagoon with oranges, lemons and all that he need to survive, in that moment Zarate said: this is the food for your sons... and you can take, suddenly 12 pigeons appear and the witch said this pigeon are going to be your guide and she disappear. 

When the man come back to his house, he was thinking and was disappointed, and he said why this fruit? Is a lot!! When he was in the middle of the way some fruits the fall down in the river. When he saw his sons they asked what the witch gift him; Diogenes pretending that he was happy, told showed all the fruit that Zarate gift them, and in the next day 12 pigeon come to them and gift a surprise.

The children went to sleep that day, but they were waiting to the next day for look the surprise that their father said, in the next day all the fruit were coverted in gold, and in the afternoon they hear barking dogs and horse footsteps what would be the surprise that twelve walkers returned one morning, happily went to the mountain and did not return. Lupita Olmedo came galloping forward to shake his children and his inconsolable husband. And had the Zárate witch, to see them bathing in the river had the idea of turning them into white doves and transform her and her friends. As for the peacock, he promised that as soon consents to her husband, restores its original form, but the Spanish honorable retain his ancestry, must resign himself to being a Peacock prisoner before the sorceress husband released.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

San Valentine’s Day

The legend was happen in the third century, when a priest named Valentin in Rome decided to challenge the orders of the emperor Claudio III because, he did not allow with the young marries, because the young man were better of fight, and were better soldiers for defend the kingdom.

Valentin decided to perform secrets weddings, and for that he was executed in February 14, this priest had a big believe in love, and because of that this day we celebrate the day of the love.

Nowadays this day has become very popular, is more the people that celebrate with the parent, the friends or also with the family because we are celebrating all forms of love. Gift something in this day is essential, could be chocolates, flowers, cupcakes, balloons, or maybe going to dinner, but today is many people that like a soiree and the restaurant have to make reservation much time before.
Besides the stores are in charge to make a lot of propaganda, and influence the person to buy a big bear, a bracelet, a colony, a box of candies, many roses, or an special card, all the stores decorated with red balloons, put red and pink clothing, and they try to make a good environment just for the love. Also the schools practice this day, they have to make a card and gift to another person, they sell helium balloons and put roses in the lockers. I considered that this is a good practice because you can make whatever you want just for love, and we inculcates to demonstrated a the child the true love for every person not just when you are falling in love because this day you can give something to  your patents, your grandparents or some person that you really care about.

However  many people looks this day is like a day for consumist and a lot of people prefer to disregard the date and look like a normal day.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


Superman, also known as the Man of Steel, is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe. His abilities include:

  • ·       incredible super-strength
  • ·       super-speed
  • ·       invulnerability
  • ·       freezing breath
  • ·       flight
  • ·       heat-vision.

He was born in a planet Krypton, his parents Jor-El and Lara sent him in a rocket to the planet Earth when the planet is going to explode, his father puts he (Kal-El) in a rocket to the planet Earth, which crashes in a field in the state of Kansas. His rocket was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised him as their son Clark Kent in the town of Smallville.

His education provided him with strong moral values, and lifelong friends Lana Lang and Pete Ross. In his secret identity he works as a reporter at the Daily Planet in the city of Metropolis. This is where he interacts with his love Lois Lane, his weakness is Kryptonite; a chunk of Kryptonite because when Krypton exploded, its fragments crossed through a radiation belt that irradiated them, making the rocks extremely toxic to anyone with Kryptonian physiology, but harmless to another normal person. The stones of Krytonian causes to lose his powers and experience extraordinary pain and Superman can death. If he suffering Kryptonite poisoning, he can recover if he gets away from the Kryptonite and exposes himself to yellow sun radiation.