jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Oil Spills

There are various types of pollution produced by man; light pollution, noise pollution, radioactive contamination but one of the most damaging pollution is pollution caused by the oil spill. This is a problem currently presented by irresponsible human being because managers have not continually properly maintain a the boats, their generating machinery is greater the likelihood of an oil spill and this exposed sea life the health of various marine species and their natural habitat.

The animals are significantly affected when an oil spill is generated as their natural environment deteriorates, the temperature decreases or increases, and for that food products are contaminated, and in individual cases can adhere to their skin leaving them unable to move and they die at the right time. These spills are caused in different parts of the world but environmental damage depends on various factors such as the amount of oil spilled, the type of oil (oil-refining), where it causes as this spill could stay longer in places with rocks and is much harder to remove and completely.
Resultado de imagen de derrames de petroleo 

The damage not only occurs with the spill but also with cleaning to be done because they must use some type of specialty chemicals, however, "Arden Warner" physicist Fermi National Laboratory in Chicago has created a new alternative to reduce the damage , as this process uses no chemicals, it is a technique that is still under development but the aim is to use a magnetizable material and using a magnetic field so that the particles of oil remains in one direction and easier to handle, worth mentioning that if it is possible to use this type of technique can also be used for cleaning also wildlife affected by oil. (N.I, 2014)  


N.I. (11 de AGOSTO de 2014). ATAKA CIENCIA Una novedosa manera de limpiar derrames de petróleo sin emplear productos químicos. Obtenido de ATAKA CIENCIA Una novedosa manera de limpiar derrames de petróleo sin emplear productos químicos: http://www.xatakaciencia.com/medio-ambiente/una-novedosa-manera-de-limpiar-derrames-de-petroleo-sin-emplear-productos-quimicos

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