domingo, 19 de abril de 2015


Obesity is known as the presence of a high percentage of fat greater than 30% of body mass index (BMI); this is due to an imbalance between calories consumed and the amount of energy expended. However we must remember that the body needs a certain amount of body fat to keep in good condition as the same shall be responsible for regulating the temperature, provide energy, insulate organs and produce hormones mainly in women. (N.I, 2014)
Among the principal etiological factors that cause this type of disease are: genetic, metabolic, endocrine, environmental, nutritive, physical due to that there are some studies that have determined the genetic relationship with weight gain; Likewise they have linked a small percentage of obese patients with diseases such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome and poliquisteros ovaries. (G. 1997)

It is important to note that obesity is a serious problem today and is increasing day by day as people not aware of the harm that the same can generally in the body; among the most significant diseases are:

cardiovascular disease: the main consequence is called plaque; This is known as the accumulation of cholesterol in the wall of an artery, these arteries are responsible for transport oxygen and nutrients to the heart. (Scientific, 2013)

Hypertension: blood vessel disorder, are responsible for carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body. (NI, mundical Health Organization WHO, 2013)

Diabetes: chronic disease presented because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not use insulin produced. (WHO, 2014)

Asthma: chronic disorder that occurs by inflammation of the airways. (Gomez, 2011)
Recent studies point to the high percentage of people with serious obesity; including children, adolescents, adults and seniors obesity has a disease that has increased dramatically; between main and most recent data according to the World Health Organization (WHO) we can conclude that in 2014 approx. 1.9 billion adults aged 18 or older had been diagnosed with overweight and more than 600 were obese; this means that in 2014 39% of adults 18 or older were overweight and 13% were obese, also in 2013 more than 42 million children under five had overweight. (WHO, World Health Organization, 2015).

According to data from a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 50% of the population of the countries that are members of the same is classified as obese; the ranking of the ten countries with the highest obesity rate is as follows:
  1.   Chile (59.7%)
  2.  Canada (60%)
  3.  Iceland (60.2%
  4.  Ireland (61%).
  5. United Kingdom (61.4%)
  6. Australia (61.4%)
  7. New Zealand (62.6%)
  8. United States (68%)
  9.  Mexico (69.5%)
  10. Greece (58.4%)


Cientifico, D. L. (10 de Abrir de 2013). Pregunta al Medico . Obtenido de Pregunta al Medico:

G., D. M. (1997). Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Chile- Departamento de Nutricion, Diabetes y Metabolismo. Obtenido de Escuela de Medicina - Universidad de Chile- Departamento de Nutricion, Diabetes y Metabolismo:

OMS. (Noviembre de 2014). Organizacion Mundial de la salud . Obtenido de Organizacion Mundial de la salud:

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