viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


Superman, also known as the Man of Steel, is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe. His abilities include:

  • ·       incredible super-strength
  • ·       super-speed
  • ·       invulnerability
  • ·       freezing breath
  • ·       flight
  • ·       heat-vision.

He was born in a planet Krypton, his parents Jor-El and Lara sent him in a rocket to the planet Earth when the planet is going to explode, his father puts he (Kal-El) in a rocket to the planet Earth, which crashes in a field in the state of Kansas. His rocket was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised him as their son Clark Kent in the town of Smallville.

His education provided him with strong moral values, and lifelong friends Lana Lang and Pete Ross. In his secret identity he works as a reporter at the Daily Planet in the city of Metropolis. This is where he interacts with his love Lois Lane, his weakness is Kryptonite; a chunk of Kryptonite because when Krypton exploded, its fragments crossed through a radiation belt that irradiated them, making the rocks extremely toxic to anyone with Kryptonian physiology, but harmless to another normal person. The stones of Krytonian causes to lose his powers and experience extraordinary pain and Superman can death. If he suffering Kryptonite poisoning, he can recover if he gets away from the Kryptonite and exposes himself to yellow sun radiation.

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015


Nowadays the technology has created a big chance in all the world, if your compare to back years, ten year ago to buy a new computer it was something difficult, and nothing to say about the cellphones this was something impossible and only some people of high class have the possibility to buy one, but today has a laptop and a smart phone is essential for all the people because if you need a direction, buy everything, go to cinema you only need to go online, or if you want to contact to someone in another country you can download some app and you can contact with your friend, your family or whoever you want.

However I think that the technology is something the we have to control because the people can gets like an addiction and have negatives impact in their life; besides affecting the personal, social and work area. Also the increased use of this devices create a bad vinculum with the friends and all the family because is so normal to look a group of kinfolk use cell phones and a tables in a restaurant or another place and they forget the important of sharing together.
 Is impression how the technology can give a lot of benefits but at the same time we have to remember the everything in our life have to be a balance because the human was create to share and enjoy the little and big moments in the life, we cannot live like a robots. 

viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Different languages .

Nowadays is very important to speak different languages not just for being popular in the society; it´s for something more important; is because of the competition that we have today in the work area.

Today the companies are in change to be more professional and all the people that they have to sign up should be able to speak 2 or more languages, have a some personal abilities like be so friendly, be a creative, being a leader not a boss because you have to communicate with some important person and you are “the imagine of the company”

It is too necessary that you can speak 2 or 3 languages, nowadays Portuguese is so popular in the young persons, another important language the we can learn to speak is German this language it became so popular in the last 3 years.

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Achineving Goals

I have some differences goals for all my life; first and the most important thing for me is finish my studies in the university, and have my own clinic in a good place in the country because I want to help a lot people; also I want to participle in a different  “help programs” because this type of programs are in change to go to some rural areas like a Talamanca, and help the native aborigines and teach to all of them how to take care of their teeth and give them the opportunity to have a good oral health.

Besides I want to get 2 or 3 specialties for example I want to get orthodontics (brackets) and endodontics, I would like to help or created my personal program to help and preserver the animals that life in the street; animals that are abused and neglected by the people that are unconsidered, because pets don´t have the opportunity to fight and I want to make this by them.

In my personal area I want to have my our house and my our car, I want to live in a secure area, and travel a lot because I would like to learn about different customs and traditions in the world, and visit some places like a Paris, London, among others.